The United Nations, a Corrupt Institution Run by Mostly Crooked Individuals: The Video that Says it All, M. Frindéthié

On this blog, and in many other places (see my books Francophone African Cinema: History, Culture, Politics and Theory (McFarland 2009) and Globalization and the Seduction of Africa’s Ruling Class (McFarland, 2010), I have denounced the United Nations as a criminal organization run mostly by crooked individuals with distorted agendas and a twisted sense of moral decency. This video below proves my case. The United Nations cannot be trusted anywhere in the world. An organization that feeds on the spreading out of crisis, whose raison d’être is the expansion of misery in the world, whose functionaries are paid colossal salaries to administer wars, wretchedness, and human sadness in the world, can only call for misery, wish for misery, cultivate what is most depressing, most gloomy, most apocalyptic in the world.        

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